Flexible and versatile organisational charts for ASP.NET using
Org Chart Component.

Organisation Chart Component - Documentation

The component package contains two ASP.NET server controls - DataBoundOrganisationChart & XmlBoundOrganisationChart.
The controls are functionally identical. Choose the appropriate org chart control to bind to your data source.

Getting Started

The documents and links below are the ideal way to get started with the Org Chart Component. We strongly recommend that you familiarise yourself with the functionality of the available via the demo site and that you download and install the component and demo site.

Title of Demonstration Summary Link(s)
Getting Started with the data bound organisation chart Step by step article walking through the process of creating an org chart from a database. link
Data Table Design An article discussing the different methods of representing an organisation structure within a SQL database. link link
C# Tips Examples, samples, hints and tips for programming orgchart in c# .net. link
Demo Site The demo site contains working examples of the Org Chart in action. Download the demo site and run it on your own development machine. link
Class Library A class library covering the main classes comprising the OrgChart Component. link

Main Properties and Usage

The table below describes some of the main properties used to control the behavior of the Org Chart Component. The properties can be either set in code or via the properties editor in Visual Studio.NET.

Main Properties

Name Type Usage
ChartFooterHtml String HTML that will be displayed as the org chart footer. This property is superseded by the Footer template.
ChartHeadingHtml String HTML that will be displayed as the org chart header. This property is superseded by the Header template.
ChartTitle string The title that will be displayed for this organisation chart. The title is encapsulated within a < legend > tag.
ShowFrame boolean If true then a the Org Chart will be contained within a < fieldset > tag.
ChartItemToolTip string The tool tip that will be displayed when the end user hovers over a chart item. If not set then this defaults to : "Direct reports: {0} Total reports:{1}"
CommandBarSettings CommandBarSettings Controls the behavior of the command bar. See the Command Bar section.

The command bar provides the end users the ability to export to excel, limit the depth of the chart and switch on or off the stacking or summary drawing modes.
ExportSettings ExportSettings Controls the behavior of the export to Excel function. See the Export To Excel section
MaximumDepth int This property limits the drawing of the organisation chart to the depth specified.
NavigationBarSettings NavBarsettings Controls the behavior of the Navigation Bar. See the Navigation Bar section below.

The navigation bar provides the end users the ability to navigate the org chart and to select individual chart items.
RenderTopDown boolean This property controls the drawing direction of the Org Chart.
ToolTip String This is the tool tip that will be displayed if the end user hovers over the header, foorter or command bar.
AssistantItem AssistantItem Controls the rendering of assistants.
ChartItem ChartItem Controls the rendering of standard org chart items.
EditItem EditItem Controls the rendering of the currently selected chart item
StackItem StackItem Controls the rendering of the chart items that are being drawn in the stacked mode.
SummaryItem SummaryItem Controls the rendering of the chart items that are being drawn in the summary mode
HideLines boolean If set to true then the organisation chart renders without lines
LineColour LineColour Sets the colour of the org chart lines
LineWidth int sets the thickness in pixels of the organisation chart lines.
VerticalLineHeight int Sets the height in pixels of the of the vertical lines. This defaults to 20 pixels.
ParentField string This property defines the name of the parent field. That is the the field that will be used to identify the parent of the a chart Item.

This property is only applicable to the DataBoundOrganisationChart control.
PrimaryKey String This property defines the primary key. That is the field in the data source that uniquely identifies each chart item.

This property is only applicable to the DataBoundOrganisationChart control.
StartValue object This is the starting value for the Organisation Chart. This property defaults to 1 and controls where in the hierarchy the org chart will be drawn from.

This property is only applicable to the DataBoundOrganisationChart control.
HeaderStyle TableItemStyle Holds style properties for the org chart header
FooterStyle TableItemStyle Holds the style propeties for the org chart footer

Command Bar Properties

Name Type Usage
CommandBarStyle Style The Style that will be applied to the command bar
Export Text string The wording for the export to Excel link
ExportToolTip string The tooltip for the export to Excel link
LevelLabelText string The text for the level drop down list
ShowExport boolean Show or hide the export to Excel link
ShowMaxDepth boolean Show or hide the maximum depth selector
ShowStack boolean Show or hide the Stack Children selector
ShowSummary boolean Show or hide the Summary selector
ShowTitle boolean Show or hide the command bar title
StackLabelText string The text for the stack label
Title string The title for this command bar. This is rendered inside a tag
Visible boolean Show or hide the command bar

Export to Excel

Name Type Usage
AutoGenerateHeaders boolean Automatically generate the headers for the exported data from the data source
Delimiter char The character to be used to delimit fields. This is defaults to a comma.
FieldHeaders string This is a comma separated string of the field headers to be used. This property is used if AutoGenerateHeaders is set to false and ShowHeaders to True.
Fields string A comma separated string of the fields that should be exported to Excel
MimeType string The MIME Type that wil lbe written into the browser header as part of the export. This defaults to text/csv.
QuoteValues boolean If true then each exported field will be encapsulated in quotes.
ShowHeaders boolean If true then field headers are exported as part of the export process.

Navigation Bar Settings

Name Type Usage
IconSize IconSize Sets the size of the navigation bar buttons to either Small or Medium
NavDownImageUrl Url Url to the image that should be used for the "Navigate Down" image button. If left blank the org chart will use the default images.
NavigateDownToolTip string The tool tip to be shown when the end user hovers over the navigate down button.
NavigateUpToolTip string The tool tip to be shown when the end user hovers over the navigate up button
NavSelectImageUrl Url Url to the image that should be used for the "Select Item" image button. If left blank the org chart will use the default images.
NavUpImageUrl Url Url to the image that should be used for the "Navigate Up" image button. If left blank the org chart will use the default images.
ShowHidePeersButton boolean Show or hide the "Hide Peers" image button.
ShowNavigationButtons boolean Show or hide the navigation buttons
ShowSelectButton boolean Show or hide the select chart item button
Visible boolean Show or hide the navigation bar

Chart Item Properties

These properties apply to the Assistant, Chart, Edit, Stack and Summary Items

Name Type Usage
BackgroundImageStyle enum This sets the background style to one of the seven built in styles
Colour enum This sets the background image to one of the pre-defined colour schemes
HtmlTemplate string This property allows the page developer to define the HTML to be rendered for this type of chart item.
The property takes any HTML and in addition uses parameter substitution to place values from the data source into the appropriate place in the HTML.

To use parameter substitution wrap the field name required in {}.  For example to display the field "Name" in bold the developer would set HtmlTemplate to "<b>{Name}</b>"

In addition to the HtmlTemplate developers may also use the WebUserControl property to specify a web user control or use the template editor in Visual Studio.NET
ImageUrl Url The Url to the image that should be used as the background to this org chart item
ItemStyle Style The style collection to be applied to this chart item
ShowBackgroundImage boolean if true then the a background image will be rendered for this chart item. 
Size enum The pre-defined sizes for the built in styles.  This can be Small, Medium, Narrow or Large.
ToolTip string The tool tip that will be displayed when the end user hovers over this particular chart item. 

The tool tip uses parameter substitution to allow each tip to be customised to the individual chart item.

To define a tip that displays the email address of a person the developer would set the ToolTip property to "email : {emailAddress}"
WebUserControl string This is the full path the web user control ( .ascx ) that will be used to render this chart item.

In addition to the WebUserControl property developers may also use the HtmlTemplate property to specify HTML to be used or use the template editor in Visual Studio.NET